Thursday, May 10, 2012


The title of this song is backwards for my post, but I like that band so deal with it :)


Its official. I finished my LAST class at MCC today with my EDU 220 final. When I say final, I mean the biggest waste of time ever where the teacher asked us to bring in an "artifact" that represented the most important thing we learned in the class. So cheesy. Just dont make us come.

P.S. When I typed "ASU" into google images, there were a lot of scantily clad girls. Apparently being an ASU girl means being a fake blonde with big boobs and no clothes. Not me!

P.P.S Camp is in 15 days. Yup. You read right! And also my best friend comes home in... not that much time... well like 2 months. But compared to the 6 it was when she left, it is super exciting!!