Tuesday, February 21, 2012

I have GrEaT friends.

Even though I dont feel like I did a whole lot this 3 day weekend, I did have some pretty good moments! Friday I got off work early and Lee was off so he drove out here and we went to YC's which is delicious and its always a good time when Lee and I are together. We are SO FUNNY! Then we went to Gilbert and met up with the other half of our FamBam. We mostly talked politics(weird right?!) But there was ice cream involved which automatically equals a GOOD time! Saturday was a boring day in which I did homework and... not much else. BUT friday night I went to my wonderfully fabulous friend Morgan Rogers house! OH MY LANTA it was SOO good to catch up and talk about life with that girl. We laughed and had rootbeer floats(when was the last time you had one of those bad boys?? I suggest you jump on that cuz it was uber tasty!). Plus her family is just great too! Sunday was a regular ol' Sunday. And today I had the lovely opportunity to sleep in and relax all day. We took Sadie to the dog park and then for a small walk around this random mountain, we also worked on her training. WHICH SHE IS GETTING! Dang my dog is smart! Tonight I went to GCU to pick up my best friend Daron and he and I gave a speech at a Lions Club meeting. The meeting was ok, but mostly I just liked hanging out with him! We also went and visited his family and his puppies! I LOVE his dogs. SO.MUCH. I then came home to waste some time on facebook and play with MY puppy(who is just so darn cute). Speaking of my puppy I think she is finally starting to get the concept that if she rings the bell on our door, we take her outside! She did it like 5 times today!! Although they were all within like an hour and she mostly just was trickin me and didnt need to go potty.... But PROGRESS! Anywho, hope you all enjoyed your 3 day weekend! Sorry to those of you who attend ASU, the school who apparently doesnt think our presidents do enough to be celebrated. Dumb ASU :)

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